Teaching stay is a great way to instill impulse control. It’s also useful for telling your dog to stay in position until released.
How to teach your dog to stay
Level 0 - Build a solid “Sit” cue
Before working on “Stay” make sure your dog has a solid “Sit” cue. To teach your dog how to sit:
- Sit on the couch with a handful of treats and wait for your dog to sit. When the sit happens, say “Yes!” and toss a treat on the ground. Your dog should need to stand up to get the treat.
- Wait patiently for your dog to go back into a sit position. Do not say anything to your dog to try and inventize them to sit. When the sit happens, say “Yes!” and toss another treat to reset your dog.
- You will notice that your dog will start to offer more sits per minute.
- Once your dog is offering 10 sits per minute, you can add the verbal cue “Sit!” To do this, say “Sit!” right before your dog sits. When the sit happens, say “Yes!” and toss a treat on the ground.
- Get in the rhythm of 10 sits per minute, cueing the verbal cue “Sit!” before each sit happens.
- With practice your dog will associate the word “Sit!” with the act of sitting.
Level 1 - Take a few steps from your dog
- Have your dog sit in front of you and say “Stay.”
- Take one step away from your dog and say “Yes!”
- Step back towards your dog and reward them with a treat.
- Once your dog is able to successfully repeat the above sequence 10 consecutive times, start to increase the distance
Level 2 - Increase the distance between you and your dog
- Have your dog sit in front of you and say “Stay.”
- Take multiple steps away from your dog and say “Yes!” when you’re at the farthest point.
- Walk back towards your seated dog and reward them with a treat.
- Once your dog is able to successfully repeat the above sequence 10 consecutive times, increase the number of steps you take before saying “Yes!”

Other cute tricks you can teach your dog
Once your dog has the hang of stay, teach your dog how to: