Litter box issues are one of the most common challenges cat parents face. To help you manage your cat’s litter box routine, this article will explain:
- Why spayed/neutered cats pee outside of their litter box
- How you can stop your cat from peeing outside of their litter box
- Frequently asked questions about cats spraying after being spayed/neutered
Why is my neutered cat peeing outside of their litter box?
Cats that are neutered or spayed will urinate outside of their litter box when something is wrong, including:
- Health issues. Health issues associated with not using the litter box include bladder stones, diabetes, urinary tract infections, and kidney disease.
- Stress related to a change in their environment or routine. Cats are very sensitive to change. As a result, even a change in the position of your couch or cat’s feeding time can cause stress and lead to litter box issues.
- The presence of other animals. Spraying can occur if other animals are in your cat’s space. This is because your cat may be feeling threatened or stressed by their presence.
- A negative reaction to the litter. Many cats have strong preferences related to the litter that’s in their litter box. If they don’t like the texture or scent, they won’t use their litter box.
- A dirty litter box. The smell of old urine can trigger a negative response in your cat. When this happens, they’ll often resort to going to the bathroom in another area of your home.
- The litter box is in the wrong location. If your cat is uncomfortable with the location of the litter box, they won’t want to go.
- There aren’t enough litter box options. If your cat doesn’t like their litter box for whatever reason, and they don’t have multiple options, they may choose to go in another area of your home.

How do I stop my cat from peeing everywhere?
As a first step, make sure to notify your veterinarian about your cat’s litter box issues. This will enable you to rule out an underlying medical condition. Once you have ruled out a medical issue, there are a few things you can do to encourage your cat to use the litter box:
- Increase the number of available litter boxes. You should have one, plus an extra, for every cat in your home.
- Try different types of litter. To do this, grab two litter boxes. Fill one with litter type A and fill the other with litter type B. Place the boxes beside one another and let your cat show you which type of litter they prefer.
- Move your cat’s litter box to a low traffic, easily accessible, area in your home. Or, if your cat is going to the bathroom in the same place consistently, consider moving the litter box to that area. If that’s not an option, place your cat’s food and water in that spot as they won’t want to go to the bathroom where they eat.
- Use an uncovered litter box and scoop out the litter box daily. Also change the litter out completely every two weeks and clean the litter box with an enzymatic cleanser. If accidents do occur, use an enzymatic cleanser to remove the smell. This way your cat will be less likely to return to that spot in the future.
Frequently asked questions about a cat spraying after being neutered
Will my cat stop peeing everywhere after being spayed or neutered?
Spaying or neutering your cat should decrease the likelihood of them spraying in your home. This is because, one spayed or neutered, your cat will feel less compelled to mark their territory.
How long does it take for a cat to stop spraying after being neutered?
Cats will generally stop spraying within 6 months of being neutered. However, even spayed or neutered cats might spray if they have underlying medical issues or are feeling stressed.